Weighing Truth to Fiction — False Evidence Appearing Real

Clips, Concerns, and Conundrums from Candace

3 min readOct 18, 2020

We will be hearing a lot about Joe Biden over the next two weeks. About how corrupt he is. How his son Hunter Biden and he plotted against this country. Each person is going to have to dig out the truth to satisfy their own suspicions. That responsibility lies with each of us.

This is what I trust to be true about Biden.

He loved and supported his son through his recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. The many people around Biden who support his campaign and who have supported him throughout his 47 years of service, as far as I know, have never been indicted for any crimes. He has respect for people from both sides of the aisle. He has a plan. Whether that plan will work or not will depend on the makeup of the Senate and House. No President has ever been 100% successful carrying their agenda through their term(s).

So far, none of the investigations into Biden have proven out to have any substance. Had they been true, they would have been addressed long before now.

As voters, we have 47 years of Biden’s service to measure against the past four years of chaos and division. He has not done everything right, but I would say, “you who are without sin cast the first stone.” He is devoted to his faith, to his family, and to the country. Maybe those attributes are boring for some. For me, they equal peace for a while. We all need some peace in our lives. It has been stolen from the American people and if there is a fatigue from the virus, for me the fatigue I have experienced with this administration is far worse.

Read as you need to know and weigh what you read against the real time experiences of the past four years. We have, as a nation, suffered through multiple convictions of Trump administrators and transition team members, his impeachment, ongoing misrepresentations about COVID that have caused division and confusion among the population. Add to that, more than 224K American deaths, his battle cries to followers of discontents to “stand down and stand by,” and his smiled encouragement to his crowd to lock up Governor Whitmer after her life had been threatened by thugs who were going to put her on trial and execute her.

I’m tired of being entertained, uncertain, angry. I prefer to be able to choose my movies or televisions shows. At least I can turn those off or fast forward through scenes too hard to watch.

Basically, I long to be bored, to have endless hours of play time with my grandchildren, long visits with our children, and time with my dearest friends and extended family members. Yes, more than anything, I long to get back to my mundane, beautiful life.




Written by Candaceconradi

Candace is a Certified Analyst in Human Design, a published author, and writer by trade.

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